Welcome to “Darjeeling”!

“Darjeeling” is a warm, slightly golden brown with a hint of green that reminds me of the strength and comfort of a well-brewed cup of tea. Like all the new colors of this season, it is a dyed in fleece color (before spinning) and the three intimately mixed colors of which it is composed gives it a depth and a subtlety that make it a beautiful color to choose from for an entire piece.

It is also an interesting color to bring warmth to a more neutral association like “poivre blanc” / “tempête” or “bouleau / “fusain, or to highlight purplish shades like “aster“, “figue” or bruyère” “which will bring out its touch of green.

It is available in Ulysse and Gilliatt. I hope it will inspire you!

Ulysse “darjeeling” / Gilliatt “darjeeling”

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