I am very happy to present you today the beautiful shawl “Kuusikko” created in collaboration with the Australian-Finnish designer Susanna
Focus on the colorway “petit matin” (in Albertine and Pénélope)
The new colour “petit matin” (early morning) is a very light and slightly misty blue like the first hours of
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Focus on the colorway “chocolat chaud” (hot chocolate) in Albertine and Pénélope
“Chocolat chaud” (hot chocolate) is a soft, cocoa-like brown with a hint of milk 🙂It is a light to medium
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Focus on the colorway “prune” (in Albertine and Pénélope)
“Prune” (Plum) is a sophisticated, luscious purple red. It is a changing colour that is difficult to capture and will
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“Ginger” by Mlle Pétronille
The lovely “Ginger” cardigan created by @mllepetronille for our sweet Albertine is out today! It is knitted seamlessly from the neckline with
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Welcome to Freia Frost!
A simple and effective triangular construction, a few stripes of garter stitch for rhythm, a magnificent lace border that has
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Springtime sweetness
A touch of powdery sweetness to dream of small spring projects 🙂 As the spin mill has reopen this