“Peeta”, colours for January

I am happy to share with you the release of “Peeta“, a very pretty sweater with a faire isle yoke created by the talented Nadia @ncl_knits in Ulysse!

 It knits seamlessly from the neckline with an optional lined border. The patterns, both simple and delicate, allow you to play with three colors without making the work too complex 🙂 The regular return of the main color highlights each strip of pattern and brings a beautiful lightness to create a warm, light and easy-to-wear sweater.

Pattern: “Peeta” by Nadia Crétin-Léchenne, available on Ravelry in French and English (Sizes XS to 5XL)

Yarn: Ulysse, photographed in “doré” / “fusain” / “poivre blanc

You will need from 5 to 9 balls of Ulysse for the main color and 1 to 2 balls for each contrasted colors.


I invite you to discover on Ravelry and Instagram the very beautiful versions imagined by the testers of this pattern.

I particularly like the vitaminized version of @rachelsaysyepa with “argile” /”quartz“/”potimarron“:


and the warm and girly one of @tambouton  with “poivre” /”confiture de rose“/”argile” :

Thank you Nadia for your friendship and this little wonder which lights up this beginning of the year and thank you to @rachelsaysyepa and @tambouton for having imagined these so pretty versions!

Photos credits 1 & 2: @ncl_knits 

Photos credits 3 & 4:  @rachelsaysyepa 

Photos credits 5 & 6: @tambouton 

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